Arrangements are made from fresh flowers just before delivery to the desired address at the nearest florist. We always deliver!
- 1. Choose a flower
- 2. fill in the information
- 3. Pay with online banking
NB! You do not even have to register. Sending flowers in less than 2 minutes.
Read moreCustomer service
Questions about the service and products can be placed at info(a)
Privacy Policy
All customer information will be treated confidentially and will not be disclosed to third parties. When you place an order, the customer information is stored in the register. We do not use this information for direct marketing. The information is used to successfully complete the order for the customer, as well as its possible subsequent settlement. The information may be removed from the register if the customer so requests.
Kukkakauppa Riitta Järvelä Ky, Isokatu 14, 67100 Kokkola, Y-tunnus 0815227-9
Name of the register
The order register
Purpose of the register
Order processing
Information content of the register
The record stores the customer’s information provided in connection with the order, such as name, address, possible phone number, possible email address, any order details and products to be ordered.
Disclosure of information
Information will not be passed on.
Data retention
The information is stored in data format in a secure environment.
The right of inspection
Pursuant to Article 26 of the Personal Data Act, the data subject has the right to verify what personal data are stored in the personal data file. The request for verification must be sent in writing and signed at:
Kukkakauppa Riitta Järvelä Ky
Isokatu 14
67100 Kokkola
A request for a review may also be made in person at the address above. Data verification is free of charge once a year.